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Joy is Blooming – NEW BOOK by Sr. Ave Clark O.P.
Joy is blooming is an invitation to stir the wonderful gift of sharing one’s compassion, kindness, and goodness. Our inner joy is blessed by the Lord and gives us opportunities to sow seeds of peace, hope and happiness. When we bloom with the love of the Lord, we become Christ-Bearers of Joy. ”Rejoice in the lord always, again, I say rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4) May each one of us in our own way stir the seeds of inner joy so that it can bloom gloriously in the world….giving life, sharing happiness, and being love. Available on Amazon or from Sister Ave Clark directly,, 718-428-2471, ($10 + $3.50 shipping)
Alleluia – A Grace To Hold Life’s Interruptions by Sister Ave Clark
Hold on with grace and you will become part of the “Alleluia” message of faith-lived well with joy, mercy, kindness, and compassion …not just for yourself but for the world community. Book is available on Amazon
To Love and Be Loved
New in paperback! An extraordinary, firsthand account of Mother Teresa’s life. "You have portrayed the 'authentic Mother' so well." - Sister M. Joseph, Calcutta, Mother Teresa's successor. "Way to go, Jim. You did it right." - Cardinal Timothy Dolan. If you love Mother Teresa of Calcutta, you'll love this book! Purchase info: Available at and wherever books are sold.
Healing Presence: A Science of Spirit
With Healing Presence, author David J. Shuch has written an impressive and groundbreaking guide to the theory and practice of healing in its many aspects. He proposes the idea that we need to re-examine and redefine what it means to be a healer and attempts to answer the following questions: What is consciousness? What is human life? What is healing? What is the science behind the art of healing? What practices and what capacities are needed so that one may be rooted in the face of suffering and helpful in fostering an atmosphere of healing?
COME FORTH: The Promise of Jesus’s Greatest Miracle
New! COME FORTH: Discover how the Raising of Lazarus can invite you to new life. James Martin, SJ Pre-Order Today Available wherever books are sold.
God’s Song… and How We Sing It
This book shares the holy melody of God’s Song and how with our faith well lived we can become a lyric of God’s Song and nurture the roots of its’ message with our love. Each one of us can sing in our own way. God hears our humble tunes. Together, as we enter deeply into the music of the universe, we can and will make this world a more compassionate, creative and melodious place for all. What is God’s Song singing to you? How do you share God’s Song?
A Light on an Angel Wing – Sister Ave Clark, O.P and Paula Santoro
As you read, reflect, and meditate on the message of a light on an Angel wing you just might be inspired to share your light of faith in creative and loving ways and find that someone might just say to you… “you are an Angel”.
MOSES MOONJAZZ releases timeless classic, "Lord Blue," the exhilarating story of the power of faith, revealed through the wisdom of a sage caterpillar who has undergone the miracle of transformation.
Peace and Compassion: Holy Threads
This is a book of holy reflections. The authors hope that you weave your own spiritual threads that create a mosaic, a tapestry, a labyrinth...for a heart that yearns and dares to journey to a place of peace and compassion where all can be united as one.
Jesus Christ Unveiling His Pure Unadulterated Message Mysteries of the Kingdom of God
Eye opening exposé disclosing how Christianity has strayed so far from Jesus’ actual message that CHRIST WOULD SCARCELY RECOGNIZE THE CHURCH DOGMA, with which today’s Christians have been indoctrinated.