Mending Prayer Rugs: A Spirituality of Service and Faith

Mending Prayer Rugs: A Spirituality of Service and Faith

Explore moments in the lives of ordinary women, saints, and the towering figures of Scripture, as they have born witness to the Word in humble and hidden acts of love.  In a time when the authentic faith journey, perseverance, and courage is challenged by the clamor...
The Future of Catholicism in the United States

The Future of Catholicism in the United States

Offers a big picture analysis of American Catholicism The Catholic Church is at a crossroads. Based on a survey of over 1500 American Catholics and interviews with nearly 60 Church leaders, this book tells a compelling story about the present and future of American...
Specialized Formation

Specialized Formation

Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology Hales Corners, Wisconsin: Sacred Heart provides specialized formation for a universal Church. Do you have a vocation over 30 in need of a Propaedeutic program? Advanced seminarians wanting both an M.Div. and M.A. in...