Mending Prayer Rugs: A Spirituality of Service and Faith

Mending Prayer Rugs: A Spirituality of Service and Faith

Explore moments in the lives of ordinary women, saints, and the towering figures of Scripture, as they have born witness to the Word in humble and hidden acts of love.  In a time when the authentic faith journey, perseverance, and courage is challenged by the clamor...
The Future of Catholicism in the United States

The Future of Catholicism in the United States

Offers a big picture analysis of American Catholicism The Catholic Church is at a crossroads. Based on a survey of over 1500 American Catholics and interviews with nearly 60 Church leaders, this book tells a compelling story about the present and future of American...
To Love and Be Loved

To Love and Be Loved

New in paperback! An extraordinary, firsthand account of Mother Teresa’s life. If you love Mother Teresa of Calcutta, you’ll love this book! “You have portrayed the ‘authentic Mother’ so well.” – Sister M. Joseph, Calcutta, Mother Teresa’s successor. “Way to go, Jim....
Healing Presence: A Science of Spirit

Healing Presence: A Science of Spirit

With Healing Presence, author David J. Shuch has written an impressive and groundbreaking guide to the theory and practice of healing in its many aspects. He proposes the idea that we need to re-examine and redefine what it means to be a healer and attempts to answer...