Organizational Overview:  Saint Cecilia Parish is a growing, welcoming Roman Catholic community in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston with approximately 3,500 registered and active households.  Saint Cecilia’s mission is lived out through more than two dozen ministries and outreach programs.  To learn more about the Parish, visit:

Position Overview:  The Pastoral Minister position is a full-time role with three distinct areas of responsibility within the Parish:  manage and nurture the Parish ministries, direct the Parish RCIA Program, and manage the Parish Pastoral Care (“CARES”) ministry.  The role will require Sundays, Catholic holidays, and regular and occasional evenings.  Specific duties include but are not limited to:


  • Act as staff liaison for the 25+ ministries, providing regular communication and support.
  • Work with and support parishioners who wish to launch a new ministry.
  • Establish a vision, goals, and budget for each ministry in collaboration with its leadership team.
  • Plan, in cooperation with staff, an annual ministry fair for the Parish as well as a blessing & commissioning ritual.
  • Participate in ministry meetings/events and ministry leadership meetings as appropriate.
  • Solicit and compile monthly ministry reports and formal requests for support.
  • Foster interconnectedness between the ministries, and between the ministries and staff
  • Consider ways to grow and promote ministries.
  • Implement strategies for volunteer development and appreciation.
  • Coordinate changes in ministry leadership and the transfer of ministry emails when needed.
  • Monitor compliance of ministry volunteers with Archdiocesan compliance regulations.
  • Work with the Parish’s Digital and Print Media Coordinator to promote Parish Ministry events and increase Ministry visibility.
  • Coordinate with the Digital and Print Media Coordinator to provide a weekly listing of ministry events and Saint Cecilia.


  • Recruit, train, orient, support and foster the development of volunteer CARES ministers.
  • Design and implement 3 required retreat/trainings per year for CARES ministers (a full day in September, and half-days in January and May)
  • Design and run monthly evening Zoom meetings for further training and support of CARES ministers.
  • Accompany all CARES volunteers on their initial visit to homebound, or facility-bound, parishioners, provide ongoing support as issues arise, and sub for visits as needed.
  • 1-2 times/year, visit the Communion Circles run by CARES Ministers; liaison with the staff of these facilities as needed.
  • Train CARES volunteers as Eucharistic Ministers.
  • Coordinate pastoral care with other Pastoral staff.
  • Liaison with MGH’s volunteer Eucharistic Ministry program.
  • Solicit and compile monthly ministry reports and formal requests for support.
  • Assure compliance of CARES volunteers with Archdiocesan compliance regulations.


  • Design RCIA course content in compliance with RCAB guidelines and create calendars.
  • Recruit prospective RCIA candidates and catechumens through appropriate channels and facilitate conversations when initial inquiries are made.
  • Recruit and support an RCIA team.
  • Teach (or co-teach) weekly RCIA meetings (Tuesday evenings 6:30 – 8 p.m.); work with candidates who cannot attend regularly to find a path that can lead them to the Sacraments.
  • Write weekly dismissal prayers used during Mass (reference provided).
  • Run weekly RCIA dismissal sessions, or delegate team members, during the 11:30 a.m. Mass.
  • Recruit parishioners to take turns accompanying RCIA to Sunday dismissal sessions.
  • Write scripts for all Rites throughout the RCIA process and contribute to the Easter Vigil Script.
  • Design and implement the Holy Saturday retreat for RCIA Elect and Candidates.
  • Handle administrative tasks such as preliminary and ongoing correspondence with the group, registration paperwork, obtaining baptismal and marriage certificates, and communicating with RCIA Sponsors throughout the process.


  • Weekly staff meetings and weekly consultations with the Pastoral Director of Operations
  • Work Parish events, such as the Far-Flung Flock Retreat, Ministry Appreciation Nights, New Parishioner Welcome Nights, Lessons and Carols Reception, etc.
  • Work with the Director of Faith Formation on Parish Advent and Lenten Parish retreat offerings and the yearly Parish retreat at Eastern Point.
  • Teach five-week evening adult confirmation class each winter/spring.


  • A confirmed and practicing Roman Catholic.
  • A deep understanding of the mission and teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • A passion for transmitting the Catholic faith and a desire to nurture the spiritual formation of parishioners of all ages.
  • Background in pastoral/spiritual caregiving.
  • Ability to work very independently in a busy environment.
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral, and written skills.
  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Advanced degree in theology and/or CPE units preferred.


Please submit a cover letter and resume to Nicole Pascarelli O’Brien, Pastoral Director of Operations, at [email protected].


Contact information:


[email protected]

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