Assistant Director of Spirituality
University of Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame ( is accepting applications for a Assistant Director of Spirituality.
Applications will be accepted until 3/13/2022.
The Assistant Director of Spirituality (ADS) develops, coordinates, and evaluates small group opportunities and retreats to meet a variety of spiritual needs. The candidate must be able to create compelling opportunities that offer students deeper relationships with Jesus Christ. Specifically, the candidate must have experience in faith formation of young adults, the capacity to articulate Catholic theological perspectives, a clear vision for recruiting and forming student leaders, a firm understanding of team building, and the aptitude to do so within the context of the Holy Cross charism.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Ability to articulate how retreats build upon and intersect with other faith experiences.
Please apply online at to Job # For additional information about working at the University of Notre Dame and various benefits available to employees, please visit The University of Notre Dame supports the needs of dual career couples and has a Dual Career Assistance Program in place to assist relocating spouses and significant others with their job search.


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