Assistant Director of Faith and Justice
University of Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame ( is accepting applications for a Assistant Director of Faith and Justice.
Applications will be accepted until 3/13/2022.
The Assistant Director of Faith and Justice (ADFJ) seeks to transform hearts and minds by developing faith-based, community-engaged opportunities for service and learning for the sake of justice and the common good. The ADFJ will engage in a compelling and attractive way with students who may not have found other entry points into a relationship with God and/or the Church.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Experience leading service and justice oriented programming and concurrent opportunities for prayer and reflection
• 1 to 2 years experience in student ministry.
Please apply online at to Job # For additional information about working at the University of Notre Dame and various benefits available to employees, please visit The University of Notre Dame supports the needs of dual career couples and has a Dual Career Assistance Program in place to assist relocating spouses and significant others with their job search.


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